Case study: Setting a new benchmark in HR certification and capability development
National HR Professionals Institute
| HR Practitioner Certification Scoping Study, Redesign, and Implementation Launch
As part of this multi-year project, THRS was engaged to evaluate, redesign, and launch the implementation of the organisation’s revamped HR Practitioner Certification, along with five micro-credential training programs. These six-week programs aimed to enable emerging HR leaders in their roles and, for those interested in certification, help prepare them for assessment.
The subjects within each micro-credential draw on a range of data and evidence, including HR best practices, contemporary research, and thought leadership. They also map to the Australian HR Capability Framework (AHRCF), spanning an array of topics – from Business Strategy, Talent Management and Culture Leadership, to Health, Safety, and Wellbeing – to ensure rigor and relevance of the learnings in their application to the real world.
Key activities
Current State and Scoping Study: Conducted a comprehensive analysis of the existing Practising Certificate (APC) Program to understand its current state and scope, as well as in-depth market research on certification approaches of other professions and international HR programs. Based on these insights, identified evidence-based recommendations to uplift the program’s impact and outcomes.
Stakeholder Engagement: Validated and refined scoping study findings and recommendations through surveys, focus groups, and interviews with key stakeholders, including esteemed HR professionals, international HR bodies, and senior business leaders across a range of industries.
Blueprint Development: Designed the roadmap for creating and delivering the revamped certification program, detailing its purpose, structure, delivery methods, and content. It also included personas to capture diverse career stages and typical entry points to certification, ensuring inclusivity for those with legacy post-nominals under the previous APC scheme.
Certification Redesign: Created a contemporary and robust certification pathway to ensure confidence in student outcomes, including a detailed multiple-choice assessment aligned to the AHRCF; written response to complex case studies addressing real-world workforce challenges; and a professional discussion with a Certified HR Practitioner.
Micro-credential Development: Developed detailed artefacts across the five micro-credentials to support and enable the program’s seamless delivery. This included micro-credential performance outcomes, recommended and supplementary learning materials, assessment tasks and assessor guides, virtual workshop delivery packs and facilitator guides, distance learner guides, and LMS guides and instructions.
Program Launch: Coordinated the launch of the five micro-credentials, facilitating virtual workshops, supporting responses to student enquiries, and refining the materials based on key learnings and insights.
Impact delivered
This project serves as a catalyst, not just for the organisation, but for the HR profession as a whole, equipping leaders of this generation and the next with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their roles as strategic business partners. It was also instrumental in strengthening the organisation's market presence and reputation as the leader in delivering forward-thinking, innovative HR professional development.
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